June 4 - June 18, 2023

ROOTS by Stephanie Cime is an artistic exploration of self-acceptance, authenticity, and the beauty of imperfection. The exhibition includes abstract works that symbolize the complexity of our personalities and the inherent beauty and flow of life.

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About Roots

The “ROOTS” collection by Stephanie Cime is an artistic exploration of self-acceptance, authenticity, and the beauty to be found in imperfection. The collection consists of abstract works that symbolize the complexity of our personalities and the inherent beauty and flow of life. With this series, Stephanie explores the philosophy of Wabi Sabi, an ancient Japanese philosophy rooted in Zen Buddhism. The artworks in ‘Roots’ provide a counterpoint to our obsession with perfection and consumer culture.

Through her work, Stephanie aims to inspire people to distance themselves from the Western beauty ideal, which undeniably leads to immense pressure, a culture of self-criticism, unrealistic expectations, and a constant quest for perfection. Stephanie’s work invites viewers to detach their self-image from external conditions and standards and, instead, embrace self-acceptance, embrace uniqueness, and let go of the desire for perfection. Nature serves as a major source of inspiration for ‘Roots’. In nature, nothing is straight, symmetrical, or unchanging. Everything is constantly subject to change and in motion.

Through her work, Stephanie aims to convey a sense of peace and joy, similar to what we experience when we connect with nature. The artworks display asymmetrical planes, rough textures, irregularities, and a natural color palette. The work in ‘Roots’ reflects the natural cycle of growth, decay, and change. Stephanie also seeks to encourage people to embrace the present moment. Roots wants to remind people that they are allowed to be themselves in all their facets and calls for gentleness and self-acceptance. They aim to inspire a more authentic and mindful lifestyle. The goal is to cultivate a sense of tranquility, self-acceptance, and appreciation for the beauty of impermanence. Stephanie hopes that her work will inspire viewers to embrace their true selves and appreciate the beauty in their unique imperfections.

Installation views

Individual works

Roots catalogue

The “ROOTS” collection is the outcome of a root-seeking process.

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