
Rebirth” is an invitation to take a leap of faith and follow your heart, guided by your inner compass. Cime’s own journey as an artist, leaving her previous profession to pursue her passion, serves as a powerful example of the transformative power of embracing your true self.

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About Rebirth

In Stephanie Cime’s richly visual universe, colors appear as freely moving driving shapes. With acrylic paint, oil paint, gouache, pastel, sand on paper or canvas she creates inner landscapes as poetic abstractions. Her paintings are like sensory presences that feel at once lyrical and meditative, subtle and overwhelming, personal and universal. 

Stephanie Cime’s pictorial elements depart from natural environments and individual experiences and are refined into a unique palette that seems to reveal interpersonal and transcendent connections. Moving fluidly between abstraction and meditation, her work communicates from a desire for ‘essence’ with a direct and liberating expression of vital colours, sweeps, touches, lines and dots. Greens, browns and blues grow in the paint that is sometimes applied thick, reaching powerfully into shades of yellow, pink and white as if to embrace all seasons. From a certain vulnerability but above all a courageous openness, her work comes to life with an abundant and unfolding power. Light can be found everywhere and the rhythmic structures vibrate between the surprising and the timeless, the disruptive and the calming, autumn and spring. Stephanie Cime determinedly portrays a world that offers a glimpse of infinity between chaos and harmony, between image and texture. She develops a world that arises and expands and thus penetrates to the core of things in order to arrive at new syntheses. Over and over. 

The REBIRTH exhibition is therefore like a new beginning. An invitation to move exploratively between the canvases, to make connections or to enter into conversation with them. It is also an invitation to explore each work individually, to get lost from different angles and to share your own reflections. This exhibition by Stephanie Cime shows that enthusiasm, drive and involvement are not far away, but very close. Detached from an observable reality, REBIRTH 

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Rebirth catalogue

“Rebirth” is an invitation to take a leap of faith and follow your heart, guided by your inner compass.

Stephanie Cime Rebirth

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